Thursday, 11 April 2013

Final Project; Social Media Issues

Social media today has brought a different meaning to life. When it used to be just a hobby, now has become a way of life. My design is an art form of which I believe social media is portrait today. Social media has not only played a big part in most people’s life, but it has also taken control of some people’s future. To the conclusion, this design is actually a story of today’s life where by wherever people go or whatever people do, it will eventually be told on some social media network . Social media is the current today, the next tomorrow and the vision of today’s generation of life.

Process of the Design :

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: 

 Step 4:
This project was first made from a sketch on a piece of paper. After being approved by my lecturer, the design was then scanned into the computer device with black and white color, at a 300 resolution pixel and the size of the design scanned was A4 ( 210x297mm). 
After the design was scanned, the picture was opened using Photoshop CS6. When the photo was opened, small minor details were touched up or erased for a better picture of the design. Once the small details were added or erased, the background and Layer 1 was converted into one smart object as a locked Background layer. 
Once the layers were converted together, another layer was added as Layer 1. The function of Layer 1 was to create a color background. The color chosen was Light Cyan and it was blended in with the opacity of 58%. 
After the background was colored, the coloring of the design began. For the purpose of coloring the designs, Layer 1 was made invisible before finishing the design work for easy coloring of the detailed designs. 
Another layer ( Layer 2 ) was then added in for the purpose of coloring big spaced designs. There were a few colors used for different designs but the brush used was Hard Round brush, with 100% hardness and the size at 54. From time to time, due to the small edges of the design, changes of the size of the brush was made from 54 to 25. 
Once done with Layer 2, an additional layer was added ( Layer 3 ). This layer was added to color the decorative designs for more tone. Layer 3 functions as a contrast to the whole design to make it more attractive. 
Last but not least, the last layer ( Layer 4 ) was added. Layer 4 was made to color the logo of all the social media signs. With the social media signs properly portrait in the design, the message was then ready to be posted. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Vintage Pop Art

Print Screen exercise

Step 1 and 2

Step 3 to step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10 to step 14 

Step 15 to step 21

References :,,,,d.bmk&psig=AFQjCNFLMYOJ1p3HnN-MTjt0TtExLYGPfA&ust=1365219457709575


Art is a very simple yet widely used word. Without art, the world is with no color and life. In Malaysia, art is looked down upon as most Malaysians believe that art is off value to which some people can not reach. In the modern days, there are many things that can be defined as art. Photography is a type of art that captures the art. Painting is a type of art that is created by artist. Different people looks at art differently, hence, it is safe to say that the real art has not been understood well. Without proper understanding of the real art, younger generations would not be able to enjoy art. There are a few ways of how younger generation can appreciate art and enjoy art. First and far most, art must be encouraged. In school, children were taught to draw and color, but as they grow, art seems to fade away as if it was just an activity of fun. Art is fun, but it also needs to be a consistent fun for everyone to enjoy. To encourage art, student in school or universities should be recommended to participate in art classes. From there, the younger generation can learn the true value of their art and other artist’s art. Secondly, to encourage art for the younger generation, art events should be held regularly and student should be invited for further exposure of the world’s art. Art exhibitions are usually specific for people of a certain qualifications or rankings, but the higher authority should also invite potential fresh keens to be inspired by world greatest art from all over the world so that they can learn be produce the best art the future can still enjoy. Last but not least is competitions. Open competitions should also be held for young generations to be able to share their potential in art. Art is agree to be subjective, hence with many different talents from younger, many types of different and new arts can be discover and noticed by the world. As a conclusion, to encourage art to the younger generations, the world should give a chance to them to show what they are capable of doing and what they can create for the future tomorrow. 

Art Movement


This piece of impressionism art movement was created by Mary Cassatt titled Lydia Leaning on Her Arms ( in a theatre box ) in 1879. An impressionism art movement is defined as an art by concentrating on the immediate visual impression produced by a scene and by the use of unmixed primary colors and small strokes to simulate actual reflected light. It mainly demonstrates the technique artists use to paint by short and broken brush strokes that barely convey forms, pure unblended colors, and an emphasis on the effects of light. From the pictures selected, it has inspired me to look deep into the details of the painting. The painting was painted in such that the brush strokes were from top right to lower left shows of how this painting has a certain demure characteristics to it. The art was soft yet very classy. It portrayed a women of beauty and elegance without having her to define her as the ultimate beauty because the painting itself is the great beauty.  


The art work that I have chosen was randomly picked from Google pictures. I have not managed to find the talented artist that painted this painting but I believe this particular painting has an amazing story behind it. Surrealism basically defines the attempt to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter. As the picture selected, it definitely portrays another life’s fantasy of life and peacefulness. The woman of which represents softness in the pictures, shows of how the artist believes the woman to be a protector to the world and how she is strong to have to let go of her man to sea. With all the time she has without him, her home is at her best care to welcome her man when he comes back. In the painting shows her gracefulness in which gives a vibe of strength to be independent before her man comes home. It may not be the exact story for this painting, but from the beauty I believe it to portray, that story I see is a wonderful fantasy of love and strength.  

References :