Thursday, 28 March 2013

Street Art

On the 22cnd of March 2013, a trip to the Central Market Kuala Lumpur was held by our Introduction to Design lecturer, Mr. Khairuazhar. The purpose of the field trip was to get us exposed to the art street and other arts made available by people at the Central Market. From the first step into the building, lights shined bright to every angle of the building. From outside, the building may looked like any other building but the content of the building had a different say to it. There were so many things to see inside the Central Market and even around the Central Market. What is best about the Central Market is the varieties of art in the building and around it.

            With so many arts made available at the Central Market, there was one that had my attention the most. It was a Buddhist elephant. The elephant was beautifully made by metal. The shop located with this beautiful elephant was the right side shop lot at the back exit of the building. It was easy to locate and I was fortunate to have seen the elephant. The elephant was made carved as it was meant for a ride. From the seller, it was said that the elephant is believed to be a symbol of physical and mental strength, and also a symbol to responsibility and earthiness.

            From the picture taken, details of the elephant can be seen better. From the carvings of the elephant, it was certainly shown of how the small tiny details made big differences to form the elephant. Not only were the details on the elephant were made with care, but the meaning of every cravings managed to grab part of my soul to it. Even with no such believe as the Buddhist has, deep down, I had a belief of my own. The elephant had a story of courage and responsibility. No doubt the person that was responsible to the cravings on the elephant and the elephant itself  was a creative and talented artist. 

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